/ Solutions / Integrated Power Solutions

Integrated power solutions

Ghad al taqat offers integrated power solutions for on-grid and off-grid (remote area) conditions.

Availability of power resources with Ghad Al Taqat make your choice easy and safe.

Ghad Al Taqat as a single source of alternative power sources of diesel generators, solar energy and UPS. With combination between them-(hybrid systems) to provide you the consultancy to select which solution suitable to succeed your investment.

On-grid solutions

The longer a business is without power, the greater the economic loss. When these unexpected situations occur, backup power provides a source to support the equipment loads via uninterruptible power supplies, generators, or battery-storage systems.

Often referred to as ‘back up resources’ or ’emergency power systems’ are commonly used by hospitals and key government buildings to provide replacement power when the Main Grid supply fails. These power failures are far more common than ever before. Ghad AL Taqat offers standby diesel generators, solar energy, UPS and hybrid system. Based on site conditions, load capacity, and recovery time, we can design the suitable solution for you.

For example, with house time recovery, the duration of supply loss between the failure of the utility mains supply and the provision of a supply from the standby diesel generator by ATS (Automatic transfer switch) can be as short as 30 seconds, providing that the generator starts first time. Returning to the utility mains supply the changeover time can be measured in mille-seconds.

The other case of hospital response time, time recovery within few milliseconds, we use Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS).

Recovery time from 0 to 8 msec. and based on type and technology of UPS.

Or make connection between diesel generators and UPS with load management and priority.

Back-up system is also becoming more common for banks, distribution centers and private businesses.

Off-grid solutions (remote area)

In remote area or no public grid, Ghad Al Taqat offer prime power sources application, from diesel generators, solar energy, UPS and hybrid systems.

What is the hybrid system?

Hybrid power plants combine at least two different energy types. Rather common is the combination of diesel-gensets and renewable energy systems with or without storage. The actual configuration is very site and company specific. It depends on irradiation and wind characteristics as well as on access to financing and the specifications of the existing gensets in case of a retrofit.