/ Solutions / After Sale Services

after sale services

Crisis response when you need it most.

In the wake of a disaster, speed of response is essential, as these events can cause enormous loss of property, production and revenue. Ghad Al Taqat can deploy expert crisis management through a team of engineers and technicians within hours of a disaster striking. This immediate action helps organizations return to production quickly and safely.

We understand that the ultimate measure of our success is the satisfaction of our customers. Providing a positive customer experience every time is the best way we know to ensure our continued growth and leadership.

Why Ghad AL Taqat

Ghad AL Taqat provide prompt and expert emergency response and crisis management services whenever and wherever they are needed. In the case where an event is predicted, we work with our customers to prepare for possible destruction and is able to have teams mobilized to be deployed if necessary—allowing for the fastest response time possible.

That's why our After Sales professionals play such an invaluable role within our organization, from the implementation of a product solution to the maintenance of the product on one of our customer sites.

If an event occurs without warning, we provide an emergency service response line 24/7. In addition, Ghad Al Taqat provides remote monitoring and predictive maintenance services to assist in foreseeing possible issues in the systems.

Our typical roles include:

  • Service Technician
  • Customer Care Coordinator
  • Technical Support
  • Contract Engineer