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Fire Suppression

Fire Suppression System Inspection & Testing Services

Once your fire suppression system is installed, it’s important to keep it in proper operating condition so that it can protect your building in the event of an emergency. Although the system may be “out of sight, out of mind” for busy building managers, it’s vital to have your system inspected and tested often. Without this vital step, you won’t know if there’s anything wrong with your suppression system until an unexpected blaze breaks out. A malfunction could leave your business’s assets and equipment unprotected.


Regular inspections and testing are required by code to ensure your building is safe in case of fire. During an inspection, you can expect the following tasks to be completed by a qualified technician:

  • Test and clean all smoke detectors and fire alarms
  • Verify shutdown circuits and evacuation alerts
  • Ensure proper cylinder pressures and weights
  • Check for changes in hazardous material being stored on site and ensure the fire suppression system is equipped to manage it
  • Simulate system discharge and test the releasing circuits
  • Conduct a visual inspection of pipes and nozzles
  • Perform any other tests required for your specific system

The purpose of inspecting and testing your fire suppression system is to pinpoint any malfunctions so they can be corrected. Many repairs are made on the spot, but for more extensive work, a technician may return for a follow-up visit.


Ghad AL Taqat is your premier source for fire suppression inspection and testing services. We service all types of systems, including the popular FM-200 fire suppression system. This option is a clean, non-toxic. The system itself also takes up very little room, which provides space-saving benefits for your business. If you have older fire suppression equipment, consider upgrading to the FM-200 system.

By knowing your fire suppression system is in good working order, you can rest assured you are doing everything possible to protect valuable business assets as well as your customers and employees. In the end, you hope you never have to use fire suppression, but you’re glad to know you can count on it if an emergency strikes.

Foam Fire Suppression Systems

If your business or organization has operations involving the processing or handling of flammable liquids, a traditional water-based fire sprinkler system may not be enough to protect your space from fires. Not only are these spaces typically much larger (and therefore harder to protect), but fires may involve fuels or other flammable liquids that won’t go out when doused with water (and in many cases, the fire can get worse).


Since fires from many flammable liquids cannot be controlled with a traditional sprinkler system, foam systems suppress fire by separating the fuel from the air (oxygen). The main fire-fighting agent, Aqueous Film-Forming Foams (AFFF), is based on a combination of fluoro-chemical surfactants, hydrocarbon surfactants, and solvents. The benefit of these types of agents is that they require very low energy input to produce a high-quality fire-fighting foam. As a result, they can be delivered through a wide variety of systems.

This versatility makes foam fire suppression systems the obvious choice for businesses and buildings with special hazard fire protection risks such as:

  • Aircraft hangars
  • Airports
  • Jet engine test facilities
  • Manufacturing plants
  • Marine facilities
  • Municipal fire departments
  • Refineries
  • Storage facilities


Foam concentrate is often stored in a bladder tank system. In AFFF systems, a bladder tank containing a nylon reinforced elastomeric bladder is used to store the foam concentrate. System water pressure is used to squeeze the bladder, providing fire-fighting foam concentrate—at the same pressure—to the foam proportioner. With bladder tank foam systems, no external power is required, and little maintenance is needed.

If you operate a facility that handles large quantities of flammable liquids, a foam fire suppression system will go a long way toward keeping you safe from a devastating fire. we can install, replace, repair, and test your foam fire bladder tank and suppression system.


Our certified and trained fire protection services technicians can install, inspect, test, and repair your foam fire suppression system. We will work to design and install an efficient and reliable foam fire suppression system and bladder tank to protect your business from a fire emergency.

FM-200 Installation

By installing an FM-200 fire suppression system, you are protecting your assets and employees with one of the leading waterless fire protection systems available. The FM-200 system stops fires fast by deploying quickly to prevent extensive damage, excessive repair costs, and delayed downtime for your business. In addition, this protection system will not leave behind water or oily residue that could damage your company’s equipment or files beyond the fire’s damage.

Whether you own a data center, manufacturing plant, or health care office, Ghad AL Taqat understands that having a reliable and safe waterless fire suppression system is essential to protecting your space, employees and future business.


The FM-200 system is designed to extinguish flammable liquids and electrical fires within 10 seconds. As the fastest waterless fire protection system available, protecting your business with the FM-200 system will result in less damage, lower costs for repairs, and increased safety for your property, equipment, and workers in the case of an emergency.

Ghad AL Taqat install top of the line FM-200 systems from leading manufacturers like Viking, to ensure that your business is protected with an immediate, space-saving fire suppression system. Our certified and experienced technicians will ensure through every step of design and installation that your FM-200 system will always work in a fire emergency.