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Standby diesel generators

Often referred to as ‘back up generators’ or ’emergency power systems’ Standby Generators are commonly used by hospitals and key government buildings to provide replacement power when the Main Grid supply fails. These power failures are far more common than ever before. Diesel Generators powered and have a large external tank that will usually allow them to run for up to 48 hours before refueling. A Standby Generator power back-up system is also becoming more common for banks, distribution centers and private businesses.

Simply speaking, a standby generator is a robust commercial engine mounted on a skid, fitted with a large alternator, radiator, on-board fuel tank and electric governing, housed either in a weather proof canopy or within a purpose built building. Sometimes referred to as ‘a lorry without wheels’ they are far more sophisticated than that. Each standby system has to be ready to start up at any given time, winter or summer, rain or storm without any possibility of failure, to ensure you have some level of disaster prevention.

The generator will be cabled into the incoming supply distribution board via an ‘Automatic Transfer switch’.

This is the nerve center, constantly monitoring the sensitive harmonics of the Main Grid supply for any deviation or fluctuation to the regular pattern. If such a deviation is sensed, then it is this panel that will instantaneously send the ‘start up signal’ to the generator.

Is the generator really on permanent standby? Yes. Every standby generator has a water heater that keeps the engine at a constant temperature so in the event of being required at a moments notice, the engine is already at its optimum temperature.

Can a standby generator fail? Yes, like any mechanical equipment it needs regular maintenance and servicing. Though if maintained correctly, a standby generator will give very long life faithful service ready to fire up and hold the building load within 60 seconds, day or night. What could I do to prevent any level of failure? You require N+1 disaster prevention.

In today’s climate of fear, loss of power has become a serious issue. The technology of generators has been around since the birth of the combustion engine and yet they have become one of the most ‘must have items’ of any new commercial building in the 21st century.

Diesel generators for Standby Generator Power and Emergency Power Systems Complete Power Protection. All sizes and power output to give you peace of mind.

We supply you any size of diesel generator to supply your power protection requirements. Diesel Generators, Standby Generators and Emergency Power Systems, all fully Automatic Power Systems, which we can install with our own engineers anywhere in the KSA.

Your generator size requirement is important so our experienced engineers can advise you on which is the best sized standby or prime powered generator for your location and mission critical operations. We will help you balance the cost of the system with being able to cater for future increases in your building load.