/ Services / Diesel Generators / Silencer and attenuation

Silencer and attenuation

Noise Attenuation is the control of standby emergency generators noise by means of custom made silencers, air inlet, outlet, fans and insulation with vibration control, all built by Ghad Al Taqat to reduce the impact on the local ambient sound level environment.

Diesel generator sets used for standby emergency power operate infrequently, so, controlling the noise level they produce is a skilled installation science. If your generator is situated close to residential areas or within the building a lower sound level may be required or even be enforced.

While custom built exhaust silencers insulation and installation can greatly suppress exhaust noise, much of the noise produced by the generator, even an enclosed generator set, comes from the intake and air outlet vents. This air flow is much harder to control but we at Ghad Al Taqat have years of experience designing purpose built air intake, air outlet and exhaust.

Sound attenuation is dependent on many other factors too, including the sound level produced by the generator engine reverberating off nearby walls or solid objects. The extent of attenuation is usually expressed in units called decibels (dBs).

Noise attenuation Sound Control from Ghad Al Taqat includes:

  • Attention to noise generated at cooling air intake and exhaust
  • Sound-attenuating materials in the walls and ceilings of the enclosure
  • Design of airflow through the enclosure is critical to minimizing this noise
  • Vibration control
  • Location of nearby walls and solid objects
  • Take in account local noise limitations
  • Footprint/ Total dimensions of the completed installation
  • All completed by Ghad Al Taqat

How we build Acoustic Generator Containers and Attenuation

Acoustic generator containers for diesel generators are built to reduce the impact on the local ambient sound level environment, i.e. noise control together with all-weather protection.

An acoustic container or acoustic canopy is built from numerous parts which include: custom made silencers, air inlet, outlet, fans , insulation with vibrate control, all built by Ghad Al Taqat to reduce the noise levels of diesel generators.

Whether your generator is requiring an acoustic canopy or an acoustic container, we follow the same principal. First we take sheet metal, then we manufacture a welded rigid frame with dimensions to enclose the openset generator to reduce sound, protect the generator from the weather, include a fuel tank and add lockable doors.

What is the difference between an acoustic canopy and acoustic container?
Acoustic canopy encloses the generator for sound and weather protection but doesn’t allow an engineer physical access to stand inside.
The engineer opens the access doors to be able to service and maintain the generator, whilst standing outside.

An Acoustic container encloses the generator for both sound and weather protection but also allows the generator engineer to ‘walk inside’ to service the generator away from the elements.
If your site requires a more robust approach to noise control we can build an acoustic container to very low levels of noise.