/ Services / Diesel Generators / Rooftop location

Rooftop location

The space is limited; what about to locate generators on the roof.
Ghad Al Taqat offers you placing emergency backup generators on roofs – roof top generator installations.
Every Installation has the option of re-fuelling from ground level with our own PCS engineers installed double skinned fuel pipework from the roof down through the building to basement/ground level fuel fill point. The Fuel fill point is lockable and fuels a double skinned basement reserve fuel tank.
If you have the roof space, we can carry out roof top power protection installations.

Here is a quick check list for you to evaluate whether this is for you:

  • Will the roof space take the weight?
  • Is there already a steel frame work on the roof to spread the weight?
  • Is there already A/C on the roof?
  • Can a crane have enough access to place a generator on the roof?
  • Any possible issue with neighbors? Visual or Noise?
  • Are there raisers with enough spare space for both cables and fuel lines?
  • Will you be remaining at this site for many years?

These are for starters and then we’re there to assist you after a site survey
Ghad Al Taqat for Independent Energy Backup Systems that you control
Design Build Roof Installation Maintenance