/ Services / Diesel Generators / Remote location

Remote location

Whether a mobile phone mast or distant secondary site, Ghad Al Taqat install emergency backup generators in remote locations.

Every Installation has its own requirements. You may require a weekly or monthly fuel tank.

Remote monitoring of the site by Ghad Al Taqat is available.

  • Will the site be manned or unmanned?
  • Is there hard standing and a perimeter fence?
  • What is the capacity of fuel tank?
  • Can a crane handle the terrain for access to place a generator?
  • Or do we require one of specialized trucks?
  • Any possible issue with sound levels?
  • Will the generator be at that site for many years?
  • Weather conditions? And altitudes?

These are for starters and then we’re there to assist you after a site survey
Ghad Al Taqat for Installed remote site Backup Systems that you control
Design Build Installation Maintenance.