/ Services / Diesel Generators / Open set diesel generator

Open set diesel generator

Open Set Diesel Generators for emergency standby power are supplied and installed by Ghad Al Taqat inside existing generator rooms or within ‘new build’ sites. An open diesel generator set is exactly what it state – no sound attenuation – open. Ghad Al Taqat supply and install open-set diesel generators for standby emergency power with either skid mounted fuel base tank or fuelled from remote fuel tanks, your choice.

Noise levels an issue?

Depending on the intended location, noise may not be an issue.
On the other hand, Should you require sound attenuation to reduce the impact of the generator, we can noise control any generators either by an acoustic enclosure or by sound attenuation inside your plant building room.

Open set generators by Ghad Al Taqat can include:

  • Double skinned skid mounted base fuel tank
  • Latest auto and manual control panels
  • Continuous running or standby emergency power systems
  • Remote Start
  • ATS
  • Generator information integrated into your BMS (Building Management System)