/ Services / Diesel Generators / Installation


Generator installation is the only way to ensure automatic standby power protection that really works when you need it the most.

Power Protection and Diesel Generators are synonymous with each other as the only serious way to guarantee emergency power for critical systems in the event of a power failure. Ghad Al Taqat Systems design, build and install automatic generator power protection systems.

Before we begin the generator installation service this is what we do:

Generator Installation – Site Survey – We will site survey your building at no cost to offer you a choice of backup generator options to suit your budget, to find the most cost effective system.

Generator Installation – DesignGhad Al Taqat will design from scratch a purpose built generator system, providing the schematics and electrical drawings that you will need should planning applications be required.

Generator Installation – Generators – You can choose to have your diesel generator built in any of the following ways and choose what size of fuel tank, color etc. And even which control systems you prefer. Ghad Al Taqat use engines from all the major generators engine suppliers so you can choose the backup system, that most suites your needs.

Diesel Generator Installation – Ghad Al Taqat engineers have the experience in complete generator installation services, siting generator systems in basements, on roofs, on ships, on remote highland sites.

Generator Installation – What about generator maintenance – We not only train your own personnel in the operation of your newly installed automatic power protection system, we also cover the whole system with our 24-7 generator maintenance and call out team.

You have your own requirements - This is never an issue, Ghad Al Taqat work with any make or company to arrive at the finished system that means your personal requirements.

Generators – Each Generator Installation can either be fully automatic or manual.
Open set – No sound proofing - These are usually installed inside a dedicated room in a basement or ground floor level next to the switch intake.
The generator and alternator and fuel tank are all mounted on a heavy duty metal skid. As there is no sound attenuation the noise levels are high.

Canopied set – With sound proofing by means of the acoustic canopy - These are usually installed outside a building in a car park or outside the intake room.

Acoustic and weather proof canopy – With sound proofing by means of the acoustic canopy that is both lockable and weather proof - These are usually installed outside a building in a car park or outside the intake room.

Containerised – With sound proofing by means of the acoustic lined container that is both lockable and weather proof - These are usually installed outside a building in a car park or outside the intake room. Containerised generators are usually larger generators above 500kVA and upward larger sizes.

Marine Containerised – With sound proofing by means of the acoustic lined container that is both lockable and sea weather proof - These are usually installed on the deck of a ship. Marine Containerised generators are usually larger generators above 500kVA and upward larger sizes. We do require that the ship is in port for the duration of the installation.

Double skinned acoustic containerised with double skinned fuel tanks
Generator Installation -Diesel Fuel Tanks
Diesel generator - fuel tanks : sub-base fuel tank built in genset base or separate fuel tank stand alone installation.
Generator Installation need Automatic Transfer switch – ATS
Diesel generators – Automatic Transfer switch. ATS panel allows the fully installed power protection to operate without any human involvement.
The emergency power system will start up within seconds of a power failure and turn itself off once the grid power has been restored for a stable period of at least 5 minutes.
This time period can be adjusted to the conditions of your installation, longer or shorter.