/ Services / Diesel Generators / Inside building

Inside building

Ghad Al Taqat can design and install any size generator inside your purpose built generator power room or retrofit a power plant into an existing building. Generally speaking power plant rooms are either basement or ground level as access is important. In fact, let’s look at any under space in your building to ascertain if we can place a generator and its fuel tank there. Our trained generator engineers can help; a free site survey costs nothing. We’re here to help.

Sounding proofing is accomplished by louvers for free flow ventilation of the generator reducing the external sound levels as well as lining the power plant room with attenuation.

Attenuation sections are large. These are usually 2 meters by 2 meters footprint by up to 3 meters high. Each is purpose built for the site. So dependent on what noise levels are required in the surrounding area outside of the building, Ghad Al Taqat can design and build to any specification to allow the use of your emergency standby generator.