/ Services / Diesel Generators / Containrised generators

Containrised generators

Containerised Generators for any location.
Diesel Generator Acoustic Containers -Noise Control

Each manufactured container is acoustically lined to achieve the external sound levels required at your site.We build each container with special louvers for free flow ventilation, which reduce the external sound levels and maintain the optimum diesel engine efficiency.

We accomplish maximum Sounding proofing by lining the container with extra thick insulation to absorb the noise emitted from the operational diesel generator engine. We even sound proof the floor of the generator container to ensure the best lowest sound levels.

Ghad Al Taqat can build containerised diesel generators to the lowest sound levels.
Each containerised generator system can come with:

  • Internal emergency lighting
  • Fire Stop with external alarms
  • Bunded floor and Bunded Fuel tank
  • Two entry doors for access and safety
  • PLUS whatever you would like this specialized system to have as additional

You're Choice – We build

We carry many containerised diesel generstors With sound proofing by means of the acoustic lined container installed outside a building in a car park or outside the intake room.
We can make these even more silent. How silent do you need?

Custom built generators – We can custom build in accordance to whatever sound levels are required.
Below are a choice of sound levels available:

Silent Specification to have 75dbA or less noise emissions @ 1 meter in open field conditions.

Super Silent Specification to have 70dbA or less noise emissions @ 1 meter in open field conditions.

Extreme Silent Specification to have 65dbA or less noise emissions @ 1 meter in open field conditions.

Whisper Silent Specification to have 60dbA or less noise emissions @ 1 meter in open field.

Super Silent Whisper Specification to have 55 dbA or less noise emissions @ 1 meter in open field.

Maybe a containerised solution is not the answer. You would prefer we build the generator INSIDE the building – No Problem.

Ghad Al Taqat can build custom-made sound attenuation inside building or on a roof location.
Containerised Generators ‘walk in’ Purpose built by Ghad AL Taqat with sound attenuating performance, built-in fuel tanks, automatic start, fully weather protected and secure.
Containerised Generators are each purpose built to achieve the specified optimum sound attenuation using a range of sound attenuating insulating materials and silencers.

Containerised Generators can include:

  • Weather Proof insulation container
  • Double skinned skid mounted base fuel tank (can be installed in combination with external fuel tanks)
  • Latest auto and manual control panels
  • Continuous running or standby emergency power systems
    Remote Start or manual start
  • ATS automatic transfer switch
  • Low Noise levels
  • Extended exhausts
  • ‘Walk inside’ capability for service and maintenance
  • Load bank connection points
  • Fuel fill cabinet

Should space be an issue please remember that the quieter the containerised generator the larger the overall dimensions of the containerised generator, especially the length, which can be extended by up to 5 meters extra.